Need jeep from NC to TX

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Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by agwrangler » June 28th, 2018, 2:58 pm

Hey guys,

I am needing a M422A1 hauled from Reidsville NC to Houston or San Antonio, Texas.
I do not want to use a auto transport ocmpany, because:
1. it isnt running.
2. It comes with a crate of parts
3. it comes with an extra frame

If anyone wants to haul it for me, I will pay same as auto transport company wants.

Let me know if anyone is making a trip of these sorts.



Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by acudanut » June 29th, 2018, 2:34 pm ... cseen.html

This is all this guy does for a living. Give him a buzz.

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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by DevilDog7090 » October 23rd, 2018, 12:11 pm

Might want to contact this company:

Carrier Name: TGE Enterprises LLC
Contact: Thomas Endrizzi
Phone 1: (917) 681-4609

He is delivering my M151A2 tomorrow.

Good luck.
Last edited by DevilDog7090 on October 24th, 2018, 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by acudanut » October 23rd, 2018, 1:49 pm

Well, I hope it all works out. I never used him.

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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by DevilDog7090 » October 24th, 2018, 8:59 am

I went with an enclosed trailer because of all the spare parts and accessories stored inside the vehicle.
Last edited by DevilDog7090 on October 24th, 2018, 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Captain, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired) 1970-1990
1977 M151A2
1967 Cemsco M416
1965 Jaguar 3.8 S-Type Right Hand Drive
2001 Dodge V10 2500
2003 Dodge Durango SLT


Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by acudanut » October 24th, 2018, 1:52 pm

Why enclosed trailer? it's not a show car with a 15k paint job.
Try someone else if you don't like him (2 cents)

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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by rickf » October 24th, 2018, 8:08 pm

ICC rules do not allow unsecured boxes and parts just heaped in the vehicle. The average Joe may get away with it but a pro hauler will get nailed in a weigh station. In this situation he will need enclosed.
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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by m3a1 » October 26th, 2018, 12:07 am

Uh, actually that's not entirely accurate, Rick. Actually, there are many ways that could be accomplished without much fuss or bother. (I was a DOT inspector for many years.)

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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by rickf » October 26th, 2018, 10:08 am

m3a1 wrote:Uh, actually that's not entirely accurate, Rick. Actually, there are many ways that could be accomplished without much fuss or bother. (I was a DOT inspector for many years.)
Well............... You know the loop holes. :roll: :lol: I got dinged a couple of times for "unsecured" loads due to open boxes even though the massive stuff inside was not going anywhere. I even asked the inspector about why the guys going to swap meets can get away with trailers looking like something from the Beverly Hillbillys and he told me that private vehicles do not fall under DOT rules. He admitted that what I was hauling was safe but he had to go by the rulebook. He let me throw a tarp and strap over it but warned me that it was still not DOT legal.
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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by m3a1 » October 28th, 2018, 10:49 pm

I could pull the fed regs out and quote y'all some stuff but I've been retired for many years and there would have to be a lot of homework done to ensure I was giving the absolutely correct info by checking the regs against the latest stuff but even then, I wouldn't get the guidances that come with new books, which are available at finer truck stops everywhere. Too much like work.

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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by rickf » October 29th, 2018, 5:30 pm

Not saying you are not right, just saying what happened to me. Should I even bring up the overweight stops at the portable scales on back roads in Georgia? Move five crates of oranges or apples forward, nope, too heavy on truck, move three back, too heavy on trailer. Move tandem, nope. "donate" five cases to inspectors and go on my way. By the way, started out 4,000 lbs. under limit W/ a full load of fuel.. I can't tell you how many times. What are the regs for that one? :?: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by m3a1 » October 30th, 2018, 9:46 am

Ahhh. I knew someone was going to trot out the old 'overweight, by one watermelon' story.

I've been waiting for the 'red rim violation' story as well.


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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by rickf » October 30th, 2018, 4:23 pm

You weren't one of THOSE inspectors were you?!!! I can still picture a couple of the guys faces. They knew that had you and you knew they had you so after the second time you just handed over the crates. Couple crates of fruit or a couple nights for a Yankee trucker in a southern jail. DUH. No brainer there.
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Re: Need jeep from NC to TX

Unread post by m3a1 » November 3rd, 2018, 12:37 pm

Nah, I was a straight shooter but I did sling those portable scales a LOT. Mostly the gravel buckets and the cardboard haulers and the sod hauler guys. I was the second DOT inspector in San Antonio. Let me tell you, we were breaking new trails in local trucking enforcement... I know what Lewis and Clark felt like. For those of us who were first, it was amazing what we found and it was hilarious how surprised the long haulers were. Back then, a lot of the truck stop rags (newspapers) erroneously reported that there were NO municipal DOT inspectors. Surprise! So, in those early days, it was like the wild west of DOT enforcement.

Log books were fun. Hot-shotters claiming sleeper berth time when they had no sleeper berth, claims of traversing the width and breadth of the U.S. in 8 hours, A driver told me it could be done but you had to fold your map juuuuust right! :lol: We all got a big laugh out of that... and a host of other weirdness. But mostly, we got along fine with those fellows. Had a few local hard heads that we just buried in paper until they came around to the idea that they had to dance to a new tune. I finally took one guy aside (he was running the oldest, most decrepit gravel buckets you have ever seen) and I explained to him it would be cheaper if he'd just upgrade his fleet. He did and it made a huge difference for his company. It just took someone to show enough interest to bring him around.

Also made some great busts, because we were also trained in interdiction but those are stories for another time and place.

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