915 area code is on the western point of Texas along the border of Mexico, not Wheeling West Virginia.
Want to see something funny: search their address of "3548 Columbia Mine Road Wheeling WV".
Must be dozens of stores in that little storefront in Wheeling

Unfortunately, there is a lot of this going around, with most of these places having hard to find parts at below (some way below) current market prices.
Over at AR15.com and HKPro there is a lot of discussion of theses scam sites. For instance, A2 carry handle upper receivers are currently scarce to unobtainable unless you find a used one. Several of these types of websites, that only accept untraceable, unrefundable payment options and have a fishy phone number for the store location, and the store location does not match what you find when you do a search, have A2 with built in carry handle upper receivers for half the going price of used ones on AR15.com's Equipement Exchange, which is almost lower than Gun Broker prices.
My advice is look and see if telephone number matches location then look at a street view of the so called business. And then if it only accepts untraceable unrefundable payments, IT IS A SCAM.