latest "props" for my MP jeep

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199th mp
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latest "props" for my MP jeep

Unread post by 199th mp » June 25th, 2012, 10:29 pm

here's a prop i got today for my MP jeep----so don't be speeding at tower park next year.

Francis Marion
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Re: latest "props" for my MP jeep

Unread post by Francis Marion » June 28th, 2012, 6:05 am

I'm not too concerned :wink:

I'll just let my Team Leader know and he'll tell me not to do it again and, since it doesn't appear on my record, that's the last I'll hear of it. :mrgreen:
1968 M151A1
1967 M416

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Re: latest "props" for my MP jeep

Unread post by rickf » June 28th, 2012, 7:06 am

I want to be on your team. :twisted:

1964 M151A1
1984 M1008
1967 M416
04/1952 M100
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AN/TSQ-114A Trailblazer- Gone

199th mp
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Re: latest "props" for my MP jeep

Unread post by 199th mp » June 28th, 2012, 8:27 am

alright, swamp fox---grab some fender---we know how to deal with the likes of you!!!! and as for you, rick----well, everybody knows .....

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Re: latest "props" for my MP jeep

Unread post by SEABEE62 » June 28th, 2012, 11:07 am

Doesn't bother me......I NEVER DID SPEED !!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Seabee
1971 M151A2 MUTT , M416 trailer
NMCB 62, Delta Co.,BU2, Gulfport, MS Home Port
VFW 3838, American Legion 63
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