HELLO Is their any searchlight avail for a 151 I would like to mount one in the back , !
In 2010 their was a company called shade tree recyclers in plastic mo . But it seems they are not in business any more ?.
REGARDS 66goat
Wtb searchlight
Moderators: rickf, raymond, Mr. Recovery
Re: Wtb searchlight
If you're talking about those large Xenon lights that mounted in the rear of the M38s and M151s; I remember that a guy in Chickamauga, GA had 3 of them listed last year. They looked like they had never been mounted. You'll have to google it. I think he was asking $1,500 for each. I know he sold at least one, because I saw a SOLD message on the ad.
Even if he sold out, it might be worth chasing as a lead. Good luck.

Even if he sold out, it might be worth chasing as a lead. Good luck.

82nd Abn Div 1973-77
We Were Soldiers Once - And Thin
1970 M151A2
We Were Soldiers Once - And Thin
1970 M151A2