Mutt work thanks and Valve seal options

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Mutt work thanks and Valve seal options

Unread post by steveo » May 19th, 2023, 8:05 pm

Just finished with lots of work on my 151a2.
Rear bushings-shocks-drive axels- differential- springs-
New wheel bearings and brakes among other things.
Still some to go but like lots of ya here I enjoy doin it.

Ya’ll know just Sometimes ya can’t beat that feelin of a 16oz ball-peen to the thumb…. Or your forehead. :)

Wanted to first thank everyone from here and others
For the great guidance and to say without doubt I
could not have completed things so smoothly thus far without all of kindness and information from Ken
(I’m super thankful)
And others I can face to face with here in Arizona.
And the manuals.

I’m keepin a log on parts and alternatives for future needs my NOS valve seals were kinda stiff and crispy so rather than install somethin that will likely fail quick on a recommendation from Ken (muttguru) I used
Felpro 72616’s
Of course they function as they should now.
After completing the installation of the new valve seals a guy said he heard that felpro valve stem seals ss 72527 can work on that mutt motor.
Not really knowin this ol boy I figured I would ask some of you all here if you heard the same.
Does anyone know if this a suitable alternative
if the NOS or the Felpro ss 72616’s are not available?

Or if ya know of Any others out there for the list?

Thanks again,
Onto the next project to redo the front A-arms and axels.


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