RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

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RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by glcaines » September 25th, 2023, 6:32 pm

I am installing an RT524 radio - only the one radio. I'm leaning towards mounting in on the right rear shelf and the antenna assembly on the right rear as well, but I'm open to suggestions. I have both the SC-DL-48676 sponson plate and an NOS MT-1029/VRC. I have the following questions.
1. Is there an advantage mounting the radio on the left or right side? I'm using an AS-1729/VRC antenna.
2. How about the antenna. I know cable length would be different, but is there any reason to choose the left or right side?
3. Is there any reason to mount the antenna on the same side as the radio other than cable length?
4. What about antenna mount high or low position?
Last edited by glcaines on September 25th, 2023, 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by 199th mp » September 25th, 2023, 7:20 pm

i installed both the radio and the antenna on the right side, which made it easier for me to turn in the driver's seat and reach everything. it also did away with having power cables cross the floor space. measure carefully, or the radio mount will impede your ability to raise and lower the rear seat. i decided to mount mine far to the rear, and forego that option, since it made it easier for people to enter and exit the rear seat.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by rickf » September 25th, 2023, 9:22 pm

You will want the mount high enough for the antenna to clear the top when folded down. I have my radios mounted in the suggested location by the book and it is still a tight fit for the rear seat passenger. Keep that in mind in case you ever decide to add a 442 receiver. The antenna is generally mounted on the passenger side as the fording bracket would be on the drivers side unless you were running two transmitters and then you would run the antennas on both sides and if a fording kit was used it would share the antenna mount. If you had two transmitters and also the 442 receiver you would then also have the AB-15 side mount on the passenger side and it would look like a rolling forest. I have actually seen people driving around with all the antennas fully extended. Yea, LOOK AT ME!! ain't I cool?!
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by glcaines » September 25th, 2023, 9:49 pm

When I was in the Army in the early 70s, almost all of the M151s had only one radio, a RT524. The Redeye guys were the exception - they were loaded with radios, including radios that could talk to Air Force planes. With only one transceiver, obviously only one antenna was needed. However, the guys driving around in 1/4 tons all wanted to be cool and have two antennas. There were a lot of 1/4 tons with one radio and two antennas, one of which wasn't hooked up to anything. I was mostly in M113s and M114A1E1 tracks with one radio.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by Horst » September 26th, 2023, 8:11 am

Would definitely install both the radio and the antenna on the passenger side. This way not only the power and the antenna cable but also the control cable for the antenna base are as short as possible and easy to route.

By the book the 524 sits quite forward on the fender to allow room for installing the second receiver. In my case, with no plans to install the receiver and the ROPS netting, a slightly more aft position was more appropriate.

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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by rickf » September 26th, 2023, 9:27 am

In addition to the book and access you have weight distribution. That radio is 65 lbs. and the mounts together are another 25 lbs.. The antenna bracket, if you get the steel base, is a good 25-30 lbs. That is 100 plus lbs. that is offset by the driver on the other side.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by glcaines » September 26th, 2023, 3:25 pm

Right Rear Corner 1.jpg
I'm trying to install the antenna mount on the right rear. According to TM 11-2300-351-14&P-22 I am supposed to mount the antenna mount with the bottom of the mount 13.125 inches from the bottom edge of the rear roadside corner. I'm assuming that the measurement should be from the rounded area shown in the attached photo. The measurement 13.125 inches sounds to be very exacting, but from what I can see, this measurement can have some tolerance?
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by rickf » September 26th, 2023, 6:26 pm

Just make sure you have room for your interior braces for the antenna and also the radio to go in without hitting something. There may be a reason for that fine of a measurement, or it was just laid out by an engineer. :roll: :lol:
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by rickf » September 29th, 2023, 4:21 pm

I see you just bought that mount and sponson for the 442 radio, looks like you will be mounting two radios. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: This is where you will need to pay attention to the location of the mounts. You will also need the AB-15 side mount with mount guard
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by glcaines » September 29th, 2023, 6:56 pm

rickf wrote:
September 29th, 2023, 4:21 pm
I see you just bought that mount and sponson for the 442 radio, looks like you will be mounting two radios. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: This is where you will need to pay attention to the location of the mounts. You will also need the AB-15 side mount with mount guard
I've already mounted the sponson, MT-1029/VRC and the RT-524 radio as well as the antenna mount, all on the right side. The antenna is on the way. I've also ordered the three cables I needed, all NOS and received both the CX4722A/VRC cable and the CG-1773 cable. The power cable is still on the way. I mounted the sponson a little over 19 inches from the rear so the rear seat can still fold down. However, if I mount a second radio next to the existing radio the seat will no longer fold down. Before I power anything up, I'm going to drive the M151A2 to Franklin, NC, which is a little over an hour for me. There is a company there that supposedly repairs military radios of all types and they can check out everything. The RT-524 I bought came from Greece and is guaranteed to be a working radio. I actually just received it today. It actually looks much better than the photos I was sent so I'm happy so far. I'm still looking for an H-250/GR handset if anyone knows of one for sale.
Radio Installed.jpg
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by FoxMike » September 29th, 2023, 7:27 pm

Looking good. There are usually h250 handsets on ebay if you don't find any from the usual surplus vendors.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by pvtwinger » September 29th, 2023, 8:07 pm

PM sent.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by rickf » September 29th, 2023, 8:40 pm

I might have a handset. If it EVER stops raining here and I can finish getting unloaded from Gilbert I will look in my radio stuff. That mount looks pretty close to spec location. I never really found any advantage to folding the seat back down. If I was going to do that I just took out the seat. I have not had the rear seat in mine for 10 years. Dogs don't need the seat. I put plywood and insulation on the floor so they did not get burned feet from the hot floor.
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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by Mark » September 29th, 2023, 9:09 pm

The handsets I remember is H33, H189 for the PRC, MRC.

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Re: RT524 Radio Install - Suggestions?

Unread post by glcaines » September 29th, 2023, 9:51 pm

I also need a frequency marking plate for the front of my RT-524, P/N SM-B-414845. I haven't seen any for sale anywhere.
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