Period uniform question

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WC Matt
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by WC Matt » July 4th, 2011, 2:20 pm

That's a great photo FM, thanks for posting. You're even wearing the OD patrol cap complete w/ Ranger crush 8) .


Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by acudanut » July 9th, 2011, 9:58 am

Don't foget the M-151's were not taken out of service (in the Corps) until 1989. So, any Uniform up until that time is "period correct".

Francis Marion
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by Francis Marion » July 10th, 2011, 2:18 am

acudanut wrote:Don't foget the M-151's were not taken out of service (in the Corps) until 1989. So, any Uniform up until that time is "period correct".
The same can be said for the Army National Guard.
1968 M151A1
1967 M416


Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by acudanut » July 10th, 2011, 11:18 am

Dang it just occured to me....The M-151's were in Service for almost 30 years. I think the Hummer might break that record.

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by moose53 » July 10th, 2011, 4:04 pm

the Corps still has some m-151's in service, and the occasional one still turns up on GL (about 5 this year that i noticed) coming out of the army.... The clock is still ticking on total service time, 1959 to date !

Zigzag50, Northeast51, KC2QDZ
MVPA # 30032

1971 G838-M151A2 1966 G857-M416
1968 G748-M101A1 1976 G748-M116A1
1990 MEP-701A

Real jeeps have horizontal grille slots

199th mp
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by 199th mp » July 10th, 2011, 6:04 pm

i know of one A2 and trailer still in use today by a NG unit based in sacramento. they also have a 1966 A1 they are waiting to trash, with a gama goat engine sitting in the back of the 151 where the rear seat used to be.


Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by acudanut » July 10th, 2011, 7:59 pm

moose53 wrote:the Corps still has some m-151's in service, and the occasional one still turns up on GL (about 5 this year that i noticed) coming out of the army.... The clock is still ticking on total service time, 1959 to date !

Really, I have been in now for 27 years and have not seen any...However....Never say NEVER.

WC Matt
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by WC Matt » July 10th, 2011, 8:52 pm

moose53 wrote:the Corps still has some m-151's in service, and the occasional one still turns up on GL (about 5 this year that i noticed) coming out of the army.... The clock is still ticking on total service time, 1959 to date !

Are they still using them in the FAV roll? Thought they finally phased them out a couple of years ago...

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by moose53 » July 11th, 2011, 3:33 am

last thing i saw published was that a number of the fav type a2's were retained since nothing else they had fit in an Osprey....

Zigzag50, Northeast51, KC2QDZ
MVPA # 30032

1971 G838-M151A2 1966 G857-M416
1968 G748-M101A1 1976 G748-M116A1
1990 MEP-701A

Real jeeps have horizontal grille slots

WC Matt
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by WC Matt » July 11th, 2011, 7:22 am

moose53 wrote:last thing i saw published was that a number of the fav type a2's were retained since nothing else they had fit in an Osprey....

Alright. Wonder about that little G838 like creature that they were looking at. I think it was seabee that posted a youtube video of them in action four wheel steering and all.

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by moose53 » July 12th, 2011, 1:43 am

I think it was Growler they went to for the mutt replacement, but the cost was ridiculous....

Zigzag50, Northeast51, KC2QDZ
MVPA # 30032

1971 G838-M151A2 1966 G857-M416
1968 G748-M101A1 1976 G748-M116A1
1990 MEP-701A

Real jeeps have horizontal grille slots

Bill, Idaho
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by Bill, Idaho » July 14th, 2011, 6:31 pm

Guys....Guys...Guys...... Let's stay focused here. 1978-1980. God knows I appreciate all of your service to our country, but let's narrow down the perimeter here for a moment.

AND, one of my assignments at the Sheriff's Office is the DRMO screener/POC. Just a few days ago, 2 Mighty-Mites came up on the screen!! I am willing to bet those were in the back of a warehouse somewhere, with a ton of crap piled on top of them, and someone finally discovered two vehicles underneath it all.

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by miljeep » July 14th, 2011, 7:41 pm

Ahh didnt this start as an inquiry about uniforms choco-chip desert if Iam not mistaken I luv the way its gotten to be about growlerplowler wannabeessss. Scott O&O

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by moose53 » July 14th, 2011, 8:29 pm

threads have a tendency to wander a bit here, probably cause we're all getting to the age our minds wander

Zigzag50, Northeast51, KC2QDZ
MVPA # 30032

1971 G838-M151A2 1966 G857-M416
1968 G748-M101A1 1976 G748-M116A1
1990 MEP-701A

Real jeeps have horizontal grille slots

WC Matt
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by WC Matt » July 14th, 2011, 8:38 pm

It is interesting to observe how threads will wonder but it is also the nature of the beast. Think Bill's question was answered in the first two pages of this thread.

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