Period uniform question

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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by rickf » June 19th, 2012, 5:22 pm

In Vietnam Boonie hats were ordered out of service in 71? Did they bring them back after Vietnam?

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1984 M1008
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04/1952 M100
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by rickf » June 19th, 2012, 5:27 pm

You are talking about camo uniforms, here is one for you. Marines, 1944, south sea islands.

1964 M151A1
1984 M1008
1967 M416
04/1952 M100
12/1952 M100- Departed
AN/TSQ-114A Trailblazer- Gone

WC Matt
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by WC Matt » June 19th, 2012, 6:12 pm

rickf wrote:In Vietnam Boonie hats were ordered out of service in 71? Did they bring them back after Vietnam?

Never knew that about the boonie. Yes, they've been in service since at least the early eighties. Reintroduced along with the woodland BDUs(?). I remember that the USMC's boonies had a much larger brim then their Army counterpart.
toptiger wrote:aren't those guys Air Force?
the velcro, leather name tags and AF master pilot wings on the BG would seem to indicate it, no?
Not sure, Top . But I think the guy on the left might be a Marine :wink: I know that at that time, the Army & USAF wore the same style of cap like the one worn by the fellow on the right.
Francis Marion wrote:I've seen boonie caps and helmet covers but, since you mentioned it, I don't recall ever seeing any other head gear in the chocolate-chip pattern.


Guess I spoke too soon. But, given the rank of the individuals in the photo, I think we can still say they were pretty rare.

Yeah right after I posted my question on here, I came across some old "Newsweek" & "Time" magazines from that period and they showed General Swartzkopf(sp?) wearing one just like the one star in the pic you posted. Like you said, given the rank of those guys..... I looked and didn't see (or notice) anyone else with a choc chip patrol cap in any of those photos. Woodland pattern, yes. Majority of head gear was K-pots (stand to reason) and boonies.


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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by moose53 » June 20th, 2012, 12:54 am

toptiger wrote:aren't those guys Air Force?
the velcro, leather name tags and AF master pilot wings on the BG would seem to indicate it, no?
for a brief period during desert storm the AF was putting the leather patches on their bdu's as well as the flight gear. They tried getting rid of all the patches etc which just pissed everyone off. They changed the blue suit too... I think it was General McPeak who did it. Had everyone looking like UPS pilots lol

Zigzag50, Northeast51, KC2QDZ
MVPA # 30032

1971 G838-M151A2 1966 G857-M416
1968 G748-M101A1 1976 G748-M116A1
1990 MEP-701A

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Francis Marion
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Re: Period uniform question

Unread post by Francis Marion » June 20th, 2012, 4:11 am

I think it's safe to say the guy on the right is Air Force but the guy on the left was Navy from '42-43 as a LTJG but his rank at the time of the photo was POTUS. ... rld_War_II
1968 M151A1
1967 M416

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